I haven't been updating it much since I got home, but this was kind of a big deal that has an impact on my future and stuff.
I registered for my first semester of my classes for senior year.
I mean, it doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but with a few numbers and a few clicks of the mouse I am now one step closer to actually graduating, and it's kind of scary. I did get most of what I wanted, though, so that's good. Fiction writing for majors was blocked to me for some reason (I have the sneaking suspicion that they require 'pre-registering', which I feel to be unfair to those who aren't studying on main campus and thus can't have meetings with their advisers like everyone else on main campus do). I did manage to get a pretty good second theo though (War, Peace, and Conscience - pretty awesome, if you ask me). So, here's how my schedule stands right now for Fall 2010:
Monday-Wednesday (no classes on Friday woohoo):
Narrative and Sexuality with Susan Cannon Harris (I heart her, this will be awesome)
Tuesday-Thursday (bad, bad days for me):
2nd Theo: War, Peace, and Conscience with Michael Baxter
Virtue, Sex [as in 'or gender', has little to do with fornication] and the Good Life with Margaret Doody
Contemporary British and Irish Fiction with Mary Smyth
Visits to Bedlam with Christopher Fox
So that's that, I suppose.
Oh, and over break I not only got my hair redone while I was home, but I also got new glasses! Pictures forthcoming, maybe. I haven't taken a lot of pictures recently.
I've now gone up twice to Cleveland and Case Western Reserve University to visit Justin, and I went up to Notre Dame once to visit all my friends there. All of these visits were really, really fun, but I have to say, some of the highlights were:
-Seeing Zombieland at Case and formulating zombie apocalypse plans with Justin afterward
-Going shooting with Greg and getting to shoot a P90 (check Facebook pics and vid for confirmation of this - it was completely and totally awesome)
-Going out to Olive Garden with, like, 12 of my new best friends (and riding along people's laps to get back to campus, woo was that an adventure)
-The Beta formal that just took place this weekend (I will have a new profile picture soon and it will be very pretty!)
That's pretty much all the time I have for right now, and that's the highlights from the last few weeks. I'm only in town for another week or so, and there's not much going on in that next week besides writing, the Ben Folds concert on Thursday night, and Oklahoma! this weekend... well, I guess there is a lot going on. I'll try to be better about my blogging, and I know it will be better once I get back to school. (Crap, I still have a term left of school!)
- Jen -