18 May 2009

New information

Apparently, my friend going abroad with me has also started a travelogue blog! I'm really excited that he's joining the phenomenon. Here it is; enjoy!

Got a mailing today, express air mail from Oxford. Forms that we need to fill out so that they can get us the correct visa letters in June. I'm trying to send mine back in as soon as possible. It's strange when a two-page form has five pages' worth of instructions in order to fill it out...

I had a job interview today. I think it went well; I'm on the callback list. I know retail is suffering right now with the economy, but I was planning on earning a lot of money this summer so I could travel abroad. As long as we're on the topic, took my first practice LSAT tonight and I feel like it kicked my butt. Hello, a summer's worth of studying. Also, there are probably books in at the library for me to start reading.

And now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.

- Jen -


  1. Programming is always on my schedule.

  2. You linked me? Thanks, except I think I have it on super-secret security, so if some of your friends what to read it, they'll have to ask through you.
