24 November 2009

I don't own enough pun-filled tee-shirts.

So, I donated to NaNo today, but I didn't know that I would also get a discount to ThinkGeek on top of it! It's $5 off an order of $25 or more, $10 off an order of $40 or more. So, I could get two tee shirts and something else and still get $10 off! Whee!

The thing is, I don't know what I want yet. And they have too many black shirts. So, if anyone was looking for any more things to get me for Christmas, here's a little list.
Seriously, so many things I do not own but should.


So, I'm 20k into my second novel. Happy fun times. Also found time today to not only write more fanfiction but to also write a somewhat coherent essay. I'm so tired right now. I don't even think tired begins to describe it. Also, I miss everyone in the states. It's hard to be away during Thanksgiving time.

We had lunch with the Warden today, and though I think we were all expecting it to be very fancy, it was not. We went in regular clothes and just chatted with the Warden for a while about how awesome Oxford and New College are. And about the States. Our warden is from Missouri by way of Illinois, or something, but he's a full British citizen. Really awesome guy, really down to earth but still seems like he knows what he's doing. It was also nice to get together with the few other visiting students we have here and enjoy some new British food (today's item: Cumberland sauce).

Okay, so my eyes are drooping from tired and my fingers feel like they might fall off (they are burning, I cannot make this sensation up), so I think this needs to be the end of my typing today.

- Jen -

1 comment:

  1. Gah, so many links!
    -Raised eyebrow.
    -Teehee. Procrastinate Like A Champion Tomorrow.
    -OK, so, the octopus is kinda creepy.
    -Shakes head.
    -Always avoid annoying alliteration. A preposition is not a word to end a sentence with. DO NOT use all caps and multiple exclamation points to emphasize!!!
    -See above comment.
    -Damn straight.
