12 December 2009

Wild blagoposts ahoy!

[This entry is kind of dedicated to Greg, who always gets frustrated when I update my blog since he gets behind. Also, check the next paragraph, IT'S YOUR FAULT.]

So, I haven't really been doing much, but in passing talking to a friend of mine yesterday, he mentioned QC and I couldn't resist looking it up. For those of you that don't know, it's a webcomic called Questionable Content. I'm deep in the archives now or I would link you all to the main page, but it's quickly become a favorite of mine and I'm only halfway 'up to date'. A perfect mix of sarcasm/irony, relationship issues, hipster/indie cred, and nerdiness... perfectly complements my already profound love for xkcd.

I finished packing for the most part today, bought my last real Christmas present from the UK, and have been reading QC since I woke up (and also munching on chocolate as I have done so). As a result, this entry is pretty boring, but I have a plan for what I'm going to post tomorrow. I might actually start planning out topics for blog posts now that NaNo is over... my life feels somewhat empty without so much writing in it.

- Jen -

ETA (which stands for Edited To Add, by the way, for those acronym challenged people like me):

I love Questionable Content. SO MUCH. Especially Marigold. It's kind of creepy how much I identify with her. Sleep!snuggling with her flatmate (I am a self-admitted snuggleslut, I create people-piles wherever I sit), the whole nerd look (hello, Hermione Granger hair and red plastic glasses), the weird RPG she's into (she's got WOW, I'll keep my Pokemon), the problem she has with being a shut-in (welcome to my entire November... in fact, most of the time I've been here)... I even just joined a fandom which kind of wears slash goggles all the time, which most of you would call YAOI. I mean, I have legitimate reasons for being on my computer all of the time (most of my dear friends and family are in the States, and I can contact them through e-mail and Skype), but even Hanners would admit that I'm being a little ridiculous and should get out more. [Also, that was a hella lot of parentheses for one paragraph. My bad.]

... and that's enough self-reflection for me. Seriously, I mix Dora's insecurities with most of Marigold's personality, it's kind of weird and awful when you think about it actually. And why am I trying to empathize with a webcomic so much? This is even worse than when I read overtones of my own life into New Moon. WHY. WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF. (It's not even a question at this point.)

Yeah, I did just spend the last... I don't know, about 13 hours straight today, plus 2 hours yesterday, catching up on the backlog. And I laughed out loud several times. Is funny.

1 comment:

  1. OH COME ON.

    Yeah, that's QC for you. I got caught up from the beginning in like two weeks over the summer. And that was reading fast.

    OK, so, the ETA is longer than the original post. There's something wrong with that.

    Yeah, you're devoting entire days to it. I never quite did that.
