So on Saturday night I went to see a performance of MacBeth at Keble College. Just in case I forgot why it was my favorite Shakespeare play, I was reminded again. At first I had trouble telling some of the actors apart (who really puts a long-haired blond Scotsman in the same type of role on both political sides? two different guys and I couldn't tell them apart). I feel like they might have been able to cast a different Lady MacBeth and had the play go over a little better, because I didn't find her very sympathetic. MacBeth himself was fantastic, though. And there was also a very good set of shrieks in the second half of the play that had AJ and I trying to replicate the noise as we were walking back to Bodicote.
So. Yesterday was, like, Honorary America Day or something like that. I went on a beer run as a study break and bought AJ and I some Budweiser for while we were watching the Super Bowl later, which turned out to be a good choice. I also painted my nails and accidentally did them in Saints colors when I was rooting for the Colts (geographically speaking):
Oops. My bad, guys. (If you want to know what I used, it was OPI Nail Lacquer 'Suzi Skis in the Pyrenees' for the black (2-3 coats), then leftover reward stickers from NaNo on all the nails that they would fit on, then 2 coats of the Sally Hansen 10-Day No-Chip Nail Color 'Clear'. Though the stickers aren't staying as well as I thought they would...)
So, then we had an all-'American' formal hall before the Super Bowl. I put American in quotes because sometimes it's plain that they don't understand how our country works (silly Commies). What really tipped me off that it wasn't as American as they said it would be is that there was no buffet. Ha, just kidding, but that would have made it much better. For our first course, we had some kind of... chowder... I don't even know. It wasn't American, I'll tell you that. (Neither were the raspberry milkshakes or the bagel slices with PICKLES on them. Pickles. Really?)
Things started changing when we got to the second course, though. Our table got kind of screwed to start off with, so at first I thought I was only going to be eating ribs, but at least they were good. Eventually I got fries, mac'n'cheese, a corn dog, and a 'buffalo' (read: plain) chicken wing. Yes, it was all American food, but it was just... enh. Fries were limp and not fry-like, and the corn dog was some kind of weak sausage-y thing which had actually been fried in fresh corn meal. Where's the processed food I asked for?
And for dessert, you'd think we'd have apple pie a la mode, because of the phrase 'American as apple pie,' but no, we had cherry pie instead. And the vanilla ice cream had brandy in it. Overall, the dinner left me very confused.
Then the Super Bowl... us Americans got there a little late, so we had to drag computer chairs to the back of the JCR so we could even sit. AJ, Matt, and I were all back there with Matt's Slingbox hooked up so we could at least see the American commercials (though we couldn't hear them). I thought the halftime show was pretty good, but I already liked the Who, and it was great seeing them on television when I was in Britain - something about that felt so right. Budweiser and crisps, too, and somehow I managed to get the last Oreo on the face of the earth... which reminds me, I need to make another Sainsbury's run today to get Oreos and breakfast food. Also probably caffeine.
I left when there were two minutes to go in the third quarter, when it was 17-16 Colts, but apparently the Saints won...? I have a hard time feeling vengeful, because New Orleans deserves it, but still, Peyton, ya let me down. And it was strange waking up this morning, because I thought I would get barraged with either angry or ecstatic status updates on my Facebook Live Feed, but instead everyone was all 'superbowl enh' and it was relatively spoiler-free until the last status on my page. Weird.
So, I have a ton of work to do today (hopefully want to finish my Mind paper, plus I just remembered I have to make it to the library sometime today), so that's all from me, and I'll try to blog more regularly from now on!
- Jen -
I kid you not, the headline of my hometown's newspaper:
ReplyDelete"Who Dat Won Dat Supa Beauxl? Tru Dat! Tru Dat!"
Out, out, damn spot!
Pickels? Wait, what? They clearly don't know 'MERICA!
Yeah, there was this one interception by the Saints that got a touchdown, then another touchdown, and suddenly the Colts felt like Notre Dame in the 4th quarter...
Heh, my FB Live Feed was full of Saints-cheering.