01 March 2010

This is my 100th post!

And I'm using it to complain about malware. Typical me.

It sucks. I've had about eleventy panic attacks this afternoon because a malware program called Antimalware Doctor has decided to rove my computer rong time. At least I have internet back now after a System Restore that shouldn't have happened, and now I know to thoroughly Google the problem before I decide I can tackle it myself.

Major props to AJ and Kate, and especially Justin, for being dearhearts and helping me out today. Especially Kate, who lent me her computer. I owe you chocolate. <3 So, for the rest of the night, I'ma try not to panic and also get some work done. That sounds good. Yup.

- Jen -

PS. If anyone *coughcoughGREGcough* has any tips about how to get rid of this... I would gladly accept them. :)

ETA: At 9:55 GMT, our beloved Antimalware Doctor breathed its last as first its registry keys were deleted, then the .exe itself was deleted after a reboot to save mode. A moment of silence for our fallen friend malware.


Now that that's over, WOOHOO! I learned that with a little Google-Fu and a lot of handholding, I can get through pretty much anything computer related. Maybe I'm not too dumb to use a Mac after all... And I did get a pretty awesome antispyware program out of the deal.


  1. I can confirm - Jen did have around eleventy panic attacks that day.

    And - I beat gangle for the first post again! That's a score of around 4 to 96, with greg having a slight lead

  2. Oh hai thar. I'm delayed again. Also, still not a competition, AJ.

    I guess I missed all the action. Oops. Sorry.

    Um, most people think that they're too smart to use a Mac -- the perception left over from the pre-OS X days is that Macs are toys, not real computers. With OS X, they're now running full BSD Unix (so mostly the same as any Linux system) on an Intel architecture (the same that Windows requires, so they can run Windows, too), but they've retained the ease-of-use for the average user (simple and good GUI) even while having the flexibility and awesomeness of Unix.

  3. Oh, and most people don't do anything close to the crazy setup that I have going on mine. I do things in a very non-standard way, hence why you hear me talking about weird problems and difficulties.
