19 May 2010

Dear Internet,

Last night I had the most awesome dream.

It was about Twilight, but it made Twilight seem about one hundred times cooler than it really is. I was Bella Swan, but I was actually kicking some major tail instead of relying on boys to do it for me. Also, somehow, this was supposed to be in the continuity of Eclipse but Bella-me was pregnant with a normal human baby... so apparently Edward was human? And they had sex before marriage? I don't know, I didn't ask many questions. All I know is, there was this awesome romantic walk around a lake that looked like the lake at the Columbus Zoo, and there were some cuddly lovey moments, and then we got to this lake house and there was a big vampire fight where I hurt people and delivered great justice, Black Widow-style, even though Bella-me was, like, two months pregnant.

Then I did some hanging out with Jacob? I think. It was snowing out but it didn't seem cold, because he had massive body heat that was creating some kind of bubble shield around us that melted the snow. I think. I don't remember. Then we went to some kind of picnic with other supernatural creatures and he left for a while.

I do remember this part, though: I met Nathan Fillion in my dream. I don't know what part he was supposed to be playing, but I remember asking him how old he was, and he said "Five thousand, three hundred and sixty-two." And I was pretty amazed by that. He wasn't a vampire, either. Might've been some kind of angel or demon. And then I asked him what ancient Egypt was like, and we had a few laughs over it, and then I was told that it was creepy that I was talking to him, because Bella-me was seventeen and this guy looked like he was in his forties.

Then I was hanging out with Alice, Rosalie, and Esme. We were sitting at some kind of special booth for the taping of a late-night show? Or something. Rihanna was featured because she was in a new superhero movie coming out and her costume was creating a bit of controversy (basically, the bottom of it was like a souped-up thong). But I got to watch Rihanna kick some tail Black Widow-style again. It was funny, too, because at every time where you'd think the mooks she was beating up would bleed, they'd just show this strip of hot pink fabric. I pointed it out to Alice and we just laughed our heads off.

Then I woke up and realized the whole thing was kind of creepy. Okay, a guy that looks forty-three hitting on a girl that is mortal and only seventeen is creepy enough. But in my dream, Nathan Fillion was over five thousand years old. That goes way beyond pedophilia/ephebophilia in my book. And it made me think twice about Edward, too. He's 109 years old in the books. And he's hitting on a seventeen-year-old that he wants to eat. How come this never set off red flags for people?

... I just wanted to brag that Nathan Fillion was in my dream last night. Carry on.

- Jen -


  1. Last night I had the strangest dream
    I'd ever dreamed before:
    I dreamed the world had all agreed
    To put an end to war.

    I dreamed I saw a mighty room,
    And the room was filled with men,
    And the paper they were signing said
    They'd never fight again.

    And when the papers all were signed
    And a million copies made,
    They all joined hands and bowed their heads
    And grateful prayers were prayed.

    And the people in the streets below
    Were dancing round and round;
    And guns and swords and uniforms
    Were scattered on the ground.

    [banjo solo]

    Last night I had the strangest dream
    I ever dreamed before:
    I dreamed the world had all agreed
    to put an end to war.

    -Simon and Garfunkel

    OK, now to read past the first line of the post.


    Wow, that's a weird dream. Speaking of Nathan Fillion, I watched Dr. Horrible with my mom yesterday. She thought it was weird and doesn't want to watch it again ever. Her loss.

  2. Gangle - that's not a dream. The kellogg briand pact was signed in 1928.

    Jen - you do realized you asked, "How come this never set off red flags for people?" about a Twilight related topic. I mean, that is one of the great questions of our age, and well beyond what your blog can handle...

  3. Also, Nathan is only 39. Totally acceptable, since you are, what, 20?
