26 June 2009

This summer, I swear...

I don't know. It hasn't been all that great. My friends are having the times of their lives, or at least recounting them to me, and I don't even have any stories. Work is getting progressively more boring by the day. I don't have any exciting plans. To give you, the reader, an idea of how blah my summer is going, I work on July 4 from 2-8. That's my day right there.

I realized tonight that I never really kept in touch with any of my friends from high school. The one friend from high school that goes to college with me doesn't really count in my opinion, because we weren't that close in high school, not like we are in college. I haven't really kept in touch with anyone. I also realized that I have no idea how people know people. I have no idea how to really connect. Even online I think two people read my blog. Wow. Great job, me.

I just... feel like I'm wasting precious time to be exciting and do stupid and exciting things that are a terrible idea at the time and a fantastic idea retrospectively. Someone rescue me, I've become terribly boring and I don't know how to become exciting again. Hopefully this changes next year, when I will be taking spontaneous weekend trips to London as money and bands permit.

Oh well. That's my incredibly boring filler blog entry because nothing exciting or even noteworthy has happened as yet during the six weeks I've already had of summer.

- Jen -


  1. Hey, all of my time since Friday has been consumed almost entirely by Knights of the Old Republic II. That and working the desk at the dorm, during which time I've been rereading the Myst books, and really really wanting to play the games. I have vague memories of the first one, and we still have the disc(s?) back home, but I don't have a machine old enough to run it. That's right, I don't have a machine old enough for a game. I've never played the second game; we have the third, and I played that one for the first time at the end of last summer; and I don't think I've ever even seen the fourth and fifth ones before. And there was an MMO that failed, but it doesn't count.

    In other news, the rotating-DM campaign (D&D 4.0) is going strong -- I gained a level in nerd-dom. Also, d20 modern warfare playtest: it's definitely still in the alpha stage of development. We break it every session. Last time, I basically headshotted the two "powerful," "difficult," "challenge enemies" of the encounter. Which sucks, because we didn't get to interrogate them. Because they were dead in one shot. Close range sniper rifle to the face. But really now, who deals 4d10 + 1 damage (under certain special circumstances) at level 2?

    Yeah, that's how (un)exciting my summer is right now. Oh, and a football camp just moved in. Yay.

    On to more specific responses!

    Hey, I worked on New Year's Eve and Day last/this year. Most likely meeting up with my sister in Chicago for the 4th, though.

    I've only kept in touch with one person from high school, and that's partly because she works at the science museum, which is what I do when I go home. And I'm Facebook friends with a few of my teachers (posted a link on one's wall the other day). The one person I really did want to keep in touch with (for the sake of maintaining Internet anonymity, we'll call her #2) seems to have fallen off the face of the Earth. No one has heard from her since Christmas of freshman year.

    As for knowing/connecting to people, do NPCs in KotOR count? I mean, they all have life stories and are happy to tell you about it. And problems they need help solving. And there are always Light Side Points to be gained. Because that's how I roll.

    Yeah, I don't know how to be exciting, either. Without being in a foreign country, anyway.

    On the note of filler...it reminds me of Thriller. Michael Jackson died, so that's two less things to be confused about. And then there's this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAKUT-bln4g

    I hope I have brought some amusement into your life.

  2. You could go skydiving with me. That would qualify as rescuing.
