02 July 2009

Anticipation or dread?

Trying to think of the right word. For right now, debating on whether or not to get a camcorder. It would be an extra $200 that I wouldn't technically need to spend, because my current camera has video capabilities and I have at least one 4GB card, but I'm thinking the software and better image quality would vastly help matters. Although it would be one extra gadget to carry around... but something like a Flip wouldn't seem that heavy. Still in the debate stage.

Two months of summer down, three to go. It's taking forever. Seriously, I need to find ways to make this summer the Best. Summer. Ever. I thought every summer could potentially be that way, but I was very, very wrong. For example: It's July now, and the high temperatures for our past two days in July have been in the upper 60s. Oh, and I have a bug bite the size of a half-dollar (from what was otherwise a very cute and thoughtful picnic) and a purpling bruise on the back of my left hand (from what was otherwise a very satisfying sanitation of our basement).

Went down to Stanton's today, which is a sheet-music store in downtown Columbus. I still at least attempt to play the piano, and as of right now I have down about half of Five for Fighting's song "100 Years." Also bought a Dave Matthews Band anthology. I can nearly hear you judging me through the innertubes, so I'll explain that it's for my dad, too; he plays and it'll be an incentive to get him back on the piano. (Ouch, my hand really hurts - too much LH piano and typing!)

Just a short update. Like I've been saying, nothing exciting.

- Jen -


  1. Camcorder: Meh. I've never really been a fan, but maybe because I tend towards being a little more artistic with a camera, and I don't know how to do that for video. In any case, my boss has a video (on YouTube somewhere, but I can't find it) of someone accidentally kicking over his little flip camera thing while he was sitting in line for the Keynote at the Apple Developer Conference this year.

    Weather: Meh. We've been down in the upper 50's and lower 60's for the last two days.

    Going to Chicago for the weekend of the Fourth (again); meeting up with my sister and staying at my cousin's place. Should be fun. Other than that, nothing much exciting here, either.

  2. Don't get the camcorder, at least not for Oxford. Not important, pictures should suffice for most of it. And you really want to pack light, and have your only gadgets be camera and phone. You get more than that and it gets unwieldy. I've never heard of anyone taking a camcorder to a study abroad. But that's just me.
