Though I am out of wit, I promised a blog entry to a few friends yesterday. This one will focus on my awesome nails, haggis, and YouTube, and I promise they're all related by their temporal proximity.
So. My nails look pretty awesome right now. (Why hello there, little sapphire ring, how are you doing today?)
Yeah, my nails have freaking purple and pink racecar/go-faster stripes on them. And that makes them more awesome than yours.
These were my materials:
That's Sally Hansen Nail Growth Protein as a base coat (I promise it goes on clear, but matte; the bottle is slightly gross-looking), OPI Nail Lacquer in Sapphire in the Snow (though it's not a blue, it's an aubergine), Icing by Claire's Nail Polish in Pouty Pink (with some pearlescent lavender in there, too, it's quite pretty), and Sally Hansen No Chip 10 Day Nail Color in Clear as a top coat.
Instructions: Base coat with the Nail Growth Protein, two coats of the OPI, three coats of a stripe of the Icing in the middle, finish off with TWO (not one, as in the picture) coats of clear to make your nails shine like a freaking racecar. I didn't follow my own advice and also got a little impatient, so not only is my right hand somewhat mauled in comparison to the left hand, but my nails aren't as glossy as they could have been because I didn't use two coats of top coat. Then again, I was doing my nails as I was trying to read a 300-page book published 100 years ago for my Aesthetics paper this week, so forgive me if I was a little distracted.
So. Haggis.
Last night was Burns Night, a night where everyone celebrates this Scottish poet called (I think Richard?) Burns. With haggis, because haggis is appropriately Scottish. It was guest night, thus why I did my nails, and so we all got dressed with our little short robes to go to the later sitting. At the beginning of the meal, instead of our regular 'benedictus benedicat', we got about three blessings and odes to the haggis, along with a little ditty played on a bagpipe. Cool.
First course was the most delicious salmon I've ever had in my life with a prawn and creme sauce. It also came free with a discussion of bear moats. (I swear, we talk about the strangest things here.)
Second course was 'haggis, tatties and neeps.' Though those may all look like strange words, I promise you, these things actually exist. Tatties is just potatoes, neeps is just turnips, and haggis... Well. I'm not linking you to what haggis is, I trust you all have the Google-fu to do it for yourselves, but trust me when I say that it is very good. I'd eat it again. Not the vegetarian kind, though, it just tasted like ground nuts. And I don't know what had me laughing so hard at dinner, but we certainly had a fun enough time without any imbibing of alcoholic beverages.
Dessert had raisins in it. I'm not a fan of raisins. Still good, but RAISINS. Blech. Oh well. I ate haggis, and I thought it was good, and I was sufficiently full from a meal for once.
So, there are a few things on YouTube that I'd like to share with y'all. I've had this song stuck in my head for days, and good thing that the download is free. Also, I laughed and laughed when I watched this. (I'm aware that it's kind of old, but I just discovered it last night, and I have this thing about strings of profanity... they just make me giggle.)
Oh! I almost forgot. I'm going to London this weekend to meet up with friends of mine at the Dublin program (Marita, Allison, and Kait among them), so expect more pictures and blogging of that later. For now, though, I have lecture to go to in ten minutes, so I'll finish mocking this up and be on my way, then, shall I?
- Jen -
Yay, you're coming to see us! Yaaaaaaay!
Did we figure out what the desert was?
All out of chocolate, please send wit.
ReplyDeleteYep, Go-Faster stripes.
Aubergine? What the heck is that? Give me hex codes or give me death!
No. No forgiveness for being distracted. (/sarcasm)
Ooh, was there any Scottish formal wear? Did I mention that the Bagpipe Band is getting hoodies with our logo on the front and "Real Bands Don't Wear Pants" on the back? Frickin' awesome.
Hey, there WAS bagpiping! Sweet! I would ask you what they played, but you probably don't know the names of the tunes...come to think of it, I don't know the names of everything the pipers play, either. We drummers have our own names for lots of things. Ooh, also, I'm learning the tenor drum parts now -- moving up from the bass.
Did you just say "prawn"? They're called SHRIMP. Get it right! Oh, and don't EVER say "crayfish" around me -- it's CRAWFISH. Not sure if you've ever made that mistake, but don't. Also, "prawn" is too easily confused with "pr0n".
Alternate title for The Grapes of Wrath: The Raisins of Rage! Apples of Anger? Peaches of Passion? Elderberries of Envy. Strawberries of Stress. Oranges of Outrage. Fruit of Fury. Watermelons of Wailing. Another one for R, and for A. Tangerines of T_. Is there even a fruit that starts with H?
Oh, so the Mario rage thing, Matt and Adam were referencing that constantly while they were playing New Super Mario Bros Wii (which, incidentally, rocks). But if you like strings of profanity, how about this one?
Have fun in London!
Wow, I wrote a lot. Probably because I don't want to work on my OS project. Which is due tomorrow. And I haven't actually started yet.
ReplyDelete@AJ: No, I don't think we ever figured out what it was. It was like a flapjack with raisins in it. And I freaking hate raisins.
ReplyDelete@Greg: Long comment is long.
Aubergine is British for eggplant. And prawns is British for shrimp. AAH THEY'RE SUCKING ME INTO THEIR DEVILISH WAYS! (Also, I thought they were crawdads? That's what we call them in Ohio.)
Yes, there was Scottish formal wear. Dakota was amused that people would wear a full suit on the top... and a skirt with a purse at the bottom. I should have reminded him that there were knives stuck in the boys' socks.
At this point, I wish to point out that 'grapes' and 'wrath' do not alliterate. Also, that I feel wrathful towards raisins, not grapes. Freaking raisins.
And yeah. I'm trying to write an essay right now (read: trying to find anything to procrastinate with), so watching whatever that is, right now.
I just want to say that I happen to like raisins!