24 January 2010

My weekend

Boring blog post title is boring.

Anyhow, I did a quick tally Friday after I finished my library trips, so get ready for another statistics post. (I rather like statistics posts, as you can probably tell.)

I have fourteen books out of the library right now. Of those, seven are for my Philosophy of Mind tutorial, six are for my Aesthetics tutorial, and one is background reading for Philosophy of Mind in general.

This week, I had roughly 200 pages of reading to do for my Philosophy of Mind tutorial and roughly 375 pages of reading to do for my Aesthetics tutorial.

I read for... let's say seven hours yesterday, and I know I did at least 132 pages of reading yesterday. I finished all of my Philosophy of Mind work by this morning, woohoo go me now I don't have to read any more!

As of right now, I still have 285 pages of reading to do, give or take. One of the books I'm reading has 300 pages. Really spacey font, so I only counted half for standardization issues, but still, major gulp there. Really, though, it only equates to five more things I need to cross off of my list, two of which are digital articles. Speaking of... now that I'm at my computer, I should totally do that.

My goal is to finish my reading by tomorrow night, or by Tuesday noon if I get terribly crunched. That'll give me a little more time to actually, I don't know, plan a decent essay instead of letting them write themselves. The latter tends to get me in a little hot water, especially when I relax my tone in my essays.

Anyhow, off to read 41 pages of Budd on Aristotle's meaning of katharsis. Ciao, all.

- Jen -

1 comment:

  1. What a bland blog post title.

    Mmm, more stats.

    Wait, don't other people need those books, too?

    That's a lot of reading.

    Have fun!
