21 January 2010

Dear Diary,

Today, I used 'effect' as a verb successfully in a paper about how Plato was a jerk. It was a good day.

Disregarding the facts that:
- I had to wake up early to cram in the rest of my Aesthetics reading,
- I was supposed to go to three lectures today,
- I only made it to two of them because I ran out of money and had to finish that stupid reading,
- I had a tutorial that lasted for an hour and forty-five minutes through dinner,
- I didn't eat my first real meal until 7:45 PM, and
- I left off writing a paper until the last minute,
today was still a good day. Because I used 'effect' as a verb.

Yes, that's right. Grammar nerdiness makes even the worst days bearable and even 'good.'

- Jen -


  1. Wait, how did you miss a lecture because you ran out of money?

  2. I think you should effect a change in the priority level of eating. It's fairly important.

  3. Sweetie! You can't forget to eat!
