23 May 2009

So, I totally have a job now.

I don't start training until June 1, which means that I still have more than a week of 'summer' before I officially start working. I'm working 'Sales Support' at JCPenney's. Talk about corporate slave: my job is to basically constantly restock the floor. And it's $7.50 an hour. Good news: If I actually work 40 hours a week like I originally intended, that means I'll still probably make over $4k this summer. And that's REALLY good news, because otherwise I don't know if I'd have been able to afford traveling or, um, food abroad.

Ugh. I wake up this morning at the crack of noon to a huge hullabaloo in my house. Had to settle my accounts with everyone... my dad's calling himself a forensic accountant now. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Spent some time at UDF last night, hanging out with Justin's friends DavidandKellie. (Yes, they get smushed together like that.) Quite amusing, laughed until my sides burst.

Now I need to clean/play DS until I bust. Ciao, y'all.



  1. DavidandKellie? Kind of like Nashley and Drdabeth. Except they don't like that.

    Yes, I'm going to try and put some random comment on every post, just for your amusement. And no, I don't obsessively check for new posts, I have a Dashboard widget that does that and tells me when there's a new one. Teehee.

  2. I wonder if your widget tells you if there's comments after your comments? You're amusing.
