05 January 2010

New year, new resolutions.

So, I made a BFS list for the end of NaNo, and I wanted to update everyone on how things are going so far.

1. Edit my main novel for this year with the help of my beta reader/technical editor.
- I'm still waiting on my beta to send me the edited copy. I'm also planning on taking the Easter break from New College to come home and knock out a few edits. The plan is to get the first round (rough cut, like moving chapters etc.) done in time to get the CreateSpace copy.
2. Shop for publishing houses/agents and send out cover letters/summaries/first chapters. [Big.]
- This, also, will be done during my six-week summer break and my four to five-week Easter break.
3. Characterize, plan, and write my massive fanfiction novel at the pace of about a chapter a week. [Big, fun.]
- I've already acquired a beta reader and am working on characterization. I have a title and some scenes planned out but I will start to notecard once I get back to school.
4. Do NaNoWriMo 2010. [Big, fun.]
- Not the right time to think about this yet, but I do have a few 'reserve' novels that I haven't written yet, so no panicking if I don't have a plot by Halloween 2010.
5. Take creative writing classes once I get back to main campus. [Fun, scary.]
- Again, can't think about this yet, but I should start looking once class lists get posted in, what, April?
6. Travel alone, including Europe and my college friends' hometowns. [Fun, scary.]
- I traveled London alone, will probably go to Dublin and/or Paris around the Easter break, and over the summer I plan on visiting Lauren and Rachel at least.
7. Get a summer job that I'm happy with, or at least make a little money this summer. [Big.]
- Oops, this one might get a big fat strikethru. I don't know how I'll have time to get a job.
8. Start knitting/sewing again for something to do for a few hours every day. [Fun.]
- I already did this over break.
9. Actually learn how to knit correctly. I've been teaching myself on and off but I keep dropping it. [Fun.]
- Did this too, I now know how to knit on circular needles and how to cable stitch.
10. Actually go out to a club. Can you believe I've been at Oxford for two months and I haven't yet made it out to a club? [Fun.]
- Can't really do this yet.
11. Make it onto the ballroom competitive team once I get back to main campus. [Big, fun, scary.]
- This either.
12. Along that line, start exercising, even if it is just walking the treadmill for a half-hour every day. [Big, fun.]
- BWAHAHAHA. Yup, close.
13. Learn how to cook, for real, and cook something every day. [Scary. If you don't think it's scary then you don't really know how awkward I am as a cook.]
- I made hella good mac and cheese the other night.
14. Learn French.
- I have a DS 'Learn French' game in the mail to me right now.
15. Stop being such a b*tch.
- Yes, the one that's always on my list every year. This one kinda failed a little bit, but being called out on my faults will make me better.

So... watching audio commentary from RvB DVDs makes me happy. Catch ya later...

- Jen -


  1. 2. Four to five weeks for Easter?!? Whoa. I guess that's between trimesters or something? ...Wanna go back to the range?
    13. My mom actually has a really good mac and cheese recipe. Seriously. My sister made it for her roommate, and she agreed. Also, we joke that it's why my dad married her.
    14. Bonne chance!

  2. Hello! I see you found my blog, which made me find your blog which I didn't know about! So yay! So now I'm following your blog, but I can't figure out how to follow Tasia's. Help? Thank you! I'm very excited to read lots of things on your blog when it's not 1:30 in the morning.
