07 October 2009

I'm here... ish.

Pretty much been a miserable few days. Freshers Week here is just as exhausting as Frosh-O was at home. I've been ill ever since we arrived so it's been even harder for me (manufacturing fake cheer when it feels like there are knives in your abdomen is not the easiest thing I have ever done). I finally have a mobile number and internet, but unfortunately it is becoming hard to keep track of my phone balance and I have about another hour until my computer dies (I don't yet have an adapter that will allow me to plug it into the wall).

It's around 6:10 PM here and I've had one meal today (lunch was skipped over since I had a library orientation that wasn't even meant for me that left me 20 minutes between presentations and the dining hall was not open). Next meal prospect is around 7:30 and is mandated as formal dress, which means that now I have to look presentable at 6:45 for drinks with my tutor. Crap. Don't have much time or much energy at this point.

Hope everyone at home is doing well, or at least better than me, and that your diet consists of more than Sprite, cherry-flavored Lucozade (look it up and try it sometime, it's delicious) [ETA: the original flavor is some kind of orange citrus and is not my favorite! make sure you get the cherry!], and Dioralyte.

- Jen -

1 comment:

  1. OK, catch-up time for me.

    Get better, dammit. And get a power adapter!

    I am intrigued by this cherry-flavoured Lucozade. And you're in the UK now, throw extra u's into words randomly. It's what they do.
