27 October 2009

Assorted thoughts before November starts.

I know some of the things I want for Christmas!
You know, the more I think about it, the more I realize that every girl has a little River Tam in her. Every girl, growing up, is slightly confused, a confused mind in a body that doesn't know what it's capable of. And sometimes we do things that scare ourselves, and sometimes we need a lot of help from friends and family. But really, all we want is to feel like we really belong somewhere, to find the people we belong with. (And to marry Simon Tam. I mean, hot damn. "I'll take care of you. I'll knit!")

I've got my novel almost plotted. I have an essay due tomorrow but I have until dinner to finish it. There's a pub crawl tonight for international students, and if I get my essay done in time I can go without feeling guilty.

The weather has been brilliant here. It's been sixty degrees fahrenheit pretty much every day, with a breeze and some sun. Not much rain. It's really been quite nice, to walk to my errands and go out and get lunch.

Have a good day, everyone :)

- Jen -

1 comment:

  1. So, you feel all emotions and can't block them out because you had part of your brain removed? Man, that sucks.

    Wow, your weather is better than ours. Oh, wait, this is South Bend. I shouldn't be surprised. But I thought England was notorious for bad weather!

    Have fun on the novel-writing thing!
