18 August 2009

Just a few little things.

I'm trying to get into the habit of blogging every day, but I don't always have profound things to say. So, it's kind of difficult.

I'm learning how to live without my cell phone. I don't like the one I have, and being on a pay-as-I-go plan in the UK is going to be expensive, so I need to learn how to use one for only necessities. That being said, I seriously used Skype for the first time last night and I like it a lot. Might not replace Gmail Video Chat or AIM video chat, but it's a cool idea.

As of today, it's been 1038 days since Justin and I started dating. I just got curious and figured it out in a day calculator. Isn't that so weird to think? Three years in October. Three years is a long time. Yet we're still not at a point in our lives when we can think of anything other than what we're doing right now. Still going to be long-distance for a while, and I'm just turning 20 next month. I'm only thinking about this because I just recently saw The Hangover with Justin, and the groom's friend has decided to ask his girlfriend to marry him at the wedding. When asked why (because the girl is rude), the guy just says "We've been dating three years, and that's just what you do." Well, no. That's not 'just what you do'. Sometimes that just isn't possible.

I'm hoping that my plans work out to come see my friends on the weekend of Sept. 11-13. If not... I'm going to be kind of upset, but we'll learn how to video chat and things like that. I also hope my plans work out to see Justin the weekend of Sept. 25-27. If not... well.

It's just so weird to think that I'm not going back to school on Sunday. Normally I wouldn't be working because I'd be busy packing, and I'd be getting ready for the grind of school and the stress of having school plus a long-distance relationship to worry about. I can't fathom that my friends will have taken classes for a month before I leave. Oh well. I'm on one of those 'weird quarter systems' this year.

One of these days, I just want treated like I'm special. I think that's too much to ask, though.

- Jen -


  1. You are special, Jen
    ~ Justin, Greg, AJ, your parents, your roommate and various other female friends, etc.

  2. Hey! Thanks for ruining my uniqueness in still being anonymous, AJ!

    Anyway, back to commenting as I read.

    Meh, profundity only happens sometimes.

    I have AIM video chat. I'm just never online. Hardly ever.

    Wolfram Alpha helped me realize that I was born on the 256th day of a year (it was a leap year), which is a power of 2, and therefore awesome.

    You know you want to be here for my birthday extravaganza. And by extravaganza I mean small gathering.

    I'm already back! Woohoo! Time for school grind!

    Yes, you are special. Just like everyone else. But specialer. Er. Est? Pfft. Ester. Easter! Mmm, UNIX command: ncal -e. Displays the date of Easter for that year. /Nerdery. I just noticed that you apparently "want treated" like you're special. I think you lost a "to be," like a 2b term in an equation. Yay school grind! Wow, I'm random. Must be the sleep deprivation and the 11 hours straight of traveling today. OK, bedtime now. Mmm, bed. I like bed. I sound kind of like Caboose. I do not want to catch pregnancy!

  3. Greg, you did not need to acknowledge yourself. Ergo, you just unveiled yourself, not me.
