13 February 2010

V-day Weekend

This weekend has absolutely rocked so far (and yes, yesterday totally counts as part of it).

Yesterday morning I had probably my greatest tutorial here (about how I don't think 'art' can be essentially defined, or in fact have any kind of definition that doesn't have a courtesy meaning). This tutorial also ended with the best proclamation a student can hear: "We'll pick up on this again next week. I can't send you reading until Sunday, so it'll be a little lighter, and you won't have to write a full essay, just discussion points." *fistpumping forever*

Then there was the fact that I'm actually writing again. This makes me joyous. What makes me even more joyous is that people like what I write and really seem to appreciate it. I'm a member of a fanfiction community (for a really small/obscure/weird fandom) that is overflowing with so much love and support that... I don't even know. I heart everyone there, though.

And! I had a chat with Kate about her day yesterday, and I'm not only proud of her for not passing out/upchucking but also proud that she's not freaked out by Eye Scream as much as I am. She deserves a country's worth of chocolate.

Then! There was guest dinner with Dakota last night, which was full of music, terrible English dubs, gossip about AJ, and Pokemon as possibly the greatest game franchise of all time. Also, I think I used the word 'fantastic' about 100 times in two hours. After said dinner, I was also tipsy-posting on the aforementioned comm.

And then! I actually got to talk to Justin for, like, an hour! For the first time in a long time! And I ate those silly Necco hearts, and listened to the audio commentary for my RvB DVDs, and re-read what might be my favorite piece of fanfic of all time, and... I don't even know. To reuse a word, yesterday was fantastic.

And today's been even better, if possible. Had a lie-in until, like, 10:15, woke up to an inbox full of comment love, joined up for a V-day fic challenge, spent pretty much all my time awake on the Internet... and I'm only starting my work just now, even though it needs to be done. There is just so much glee in my life right now, I don't even know where to start.

So, I just hope the rest of this weekend goes this well. Not much going on tonight besides probably working on my reading for the week and writing up the other two fics I want to post to the comm this weekend, but then tomorrow we have Chinese New Year formal hall, which should also rock.

Look for a special entry tomorrow about how Valentine's Day doesn't suck, even if you're single.

- Jen -

1 comment:

  1. What do you mean by "courtesy meaning"?


    Yay for fantasticness! Speaking of that, my computer is mostly un-borked now. I'm half-considering buying a new one, though. Either a new MacBook Pro, or make my own REAL Mac tablet -- buy a Lenovo X61 or X200, dual- (or tri-) boot it, and create a Hackintosh. In addition to Windows or Linux (or both). It would be awesome. And probably very unstable. Which is bad. But fun.

    Singles' Awareness Day! Yay! I might just celebrate Mardi Gras a couple of days early instead. My mom sends me a king cake every year, and it came in yesterday.
