14 September 2009

ND Weekend, part 3: Sunday, September 13, 2009

Woke up in time to make it to brunch again (chocolate chip muffins!) and ran into Rachel on the way out. Which turned out to be a good thing, since I had missed giving her her extremely belated birthday presents (cupcake-themed) from her birthday back in mid-May. And I finally got my shirt back that I had loaned her so long ago!

I got gas before I left campus and left around 12:15 PM. I arrived home at 4:15. I made much better time on the way back than I did on the way there, probably because there were fewer truckers on the road and I felt freer to speed. Not necessarily a good thing. And I only came home with eight cupcakes by the end of the weekend, which wasn’t so bad, considering.

I got a text from AJ when I stopped at McDonald’s – apparently he was shooting shotguns at pigeons and felt the need to brag to me. When I shot back (pun!) about what I did, he was, to put it mildly, very impressed, so I promised to blog about it. (I hope you’re happy – there are three entries!)

Had dinner with my family, had enough time to read through a magazine, and then my dad invited me out to see District 9. What a powerful movie. I’m not intent on spoiling it for anyone, but I’ll leave it at this: highly allegorical (which I enjoyed), very powerful messages, and an all-around great film, though I may be too drained right now to appreciate it fully. If you want to discuss it, comment and I can email you or something.

There are very cute British PhD’s on my Science channel show right now. Where can I get one?!? (Duh, I’m just kidding, but I’m reminded of the sidekick in 27 Dresses.)

As I was trying to post these entries onto Blogger, I realized that it won’t take the formatting straight out of Microsoft Office 2007; you actually have to put it through Notepad first. That’s slightly annoying, but not completely out of the question. I’m writing these over a couple of hours anyways.

I am ridiculously tired and I haven’t even eaten one of my own cupcakes yet, so I think now is the perfect time to set aside the laptop and actually get a little sleep, since I didn’t get any this weekend.

- Jen -